2018 | Dugor, J., H. Rault, E. Tirard, D. Rihouey, J. Baills and J.W. van der Meer. Développement d'un outil d'aide à la gestion des digues de l'île de Ré. XVèmes Journées Nationales Génie Côtier – Génie Civil. La Rochelle, FR, DOI:10.5150/jngcgc.2018.089. (407 kB); PowerPoint presentation (1 MB) |
2016 | Dugor, J. , D. Rihouey and J.W. van der Meer. Modélisation du risque de submersion marine intégrant les défaillances d'ouvrages. Application à l'île de Ré. XIVèmes Journées Nationales Génie Côtier - Génie Civil, Toulon, FR. (417 kB) |
2008 | Van der Meer, J.W. Coastal flooding: a view from a practical Dutchman on present and future strategies. Keynote paper at FloodRisk, Oxford, UK. Flood Risk Management: Research and Practice - Samuels et al. (eds.) ISBN 978-0-415-48507-4; pp 3-10. (144 kB); PowerPoint presentation |
2008 | Van der Meer, C. Cooper, M.J. Warner, H. Adams-Morales and G.J. Steendam. The success of the hurricane protection around Chevron's refinery at Pascagoula, MS, during Katrina. Abstract and presentation at PIANC Conference, Mobile, AL, USA. (4.7 MB); PowerPoint presentation |
2008 | Allsop, N.W.H., T. Bruce, T. Pullen and J.W. van der Meer. Direct hazards from wave overtopping - the forgotten aspect of coastal flood risk assessment? DEFRA, Proc. Flood and Coastal Management Conference, Manchester, UK. (516 kB) |
2008 | Van der Meer, J.W., W.L.A. ter Horst and E.H. van Velzen. Calculation of fragility curves for flood defence assets. Proc. FloodRisk, Oxford, UK. Flood Risk Management: Research and Practice - Samuels et al. (eds.) ISBN 978-0-415-48507-4; pp 567-573. (208 kB); PowerPoint presentation (271 kB) |
2005 | Van der Meer, J.W., S. Nurmohamed, L.A. Philipse, G.J. Steendam and J. Wouters. Stability Assessment of single layers of orderly placed and of pitched natural rock. Proc. Second International Coastal Symposium, Höfn, Iceland. (603 kB); PowerPoint presentation (6.2 MB) |
2005 | Van der Meer, J.W., A. Benaïssa and P. Weidema. Risk-based management of flooding in the Haute Gironde. Proc. Third International Symposium on Flood Defence, Nijmegen, NL. (590 kB); PowerPoint presentation (3.1 MB) |
2003 | Takahashi, S., M. Hanzawa, S. Sugiura, K. Shimosaka and J.W. van der Meer. Performance design of maritime structures and its application to armor stones and blocks of breakwaters. ASCE, Proc. Coastal Structures 2003, Portland, Oregon, pp. 14 - 26. (1.9 MB) |
1998 | Van der Meer, J.W., de Looff, A.P. and Glas, P. Integrated approach on the safety of dikes along the great Dutch lakes. ASCE, proc. 26th ICCE, pp. 3439-3452. Copenhagen, Denmark. (1.8 MB); PowerPoint presentation (2.7 MB) |
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